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We are a team of passionate certified linguists, who are connected through the same values: dedication to quality, proficiency, responsibility and love for our work.

Our team members’ experience dates ever since 2004. With each year, we have grown and strived to become better and this is our continuous goal every day. In this field, continuous learning and specialization is a must. We believe in pursuing our talent and becoming specialized and exceptional in certain fields of translation rather than being good at everything.


Sworn translations or authenticated by a notary public, upon request


Proofreading and quality management


Simultaneous and consecutive

Website localization

Regardless of the type of website

Our objectives are: helping our clients be everywhere, by offering them our EXPERTISE in WORDS – a bridge for connecting with other people, other businesses, other worlds.

You have the words, you have the power!

Because quality is what defines us and because we know that only by working together we can achieve excellence, teamwork is very important to us. Therefore, before delivering the final text to the client, it goes through several stages.

It is first translated by an experienced translator, then reviewed by a proofreader and finally checked by a quality manager, often a specialist in the respective domain, who provides the final feedback from a specialist reader’s point of view.

We are your experts in words!

We all know that technology plays a very important role in all aspects of life and we need to keep up with technology advancements in our business if we want to be competitive.

That is why, we use computer aided translation tools for certain projects, which lead to much faster turnaround times than the customary translation method, help provide the highest quality translations and not to mention that they save our clients’ money, through the use of translation memories, glossaries and terminologies.


"Colaborez cu doamna Elena Leonte de aproape cinci ani, timp în care i-am solicitat numeroase traduceri ale unor texte din domeniul filologic-teatral, destinate publicării în reviste de specialitate, cu prestigiu internațional. Foarte punctuală, riguroasă, operând cu o engleză rafinată, capabilă să surprindă nuanțele și sensurile secunde ale textelor din domeniul umanist, doamna Elena Leonte s-a dovedit a fi un profesionist impecabil în toate secvențele acestei colaborări. Absolut niciodată, în procedurile de peer-review, nu mi s-a atras atenția asupra folosirii improprii a unui termen sau a unei alte construcții lingvistice, ceea ce probează înaltul nivel calitativ la care lucrează."

Lector univ.dr.habil. Călin Ciobotari

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